Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Abortion: Conservative vs. Liberal

Today, Courtney, Ari, Kelsey and I presented our information on the two sides of abortion. The conservative side, pro-life and the liberal side, pro-choice. This was an interesting presentation because many people had strong opinions on what they believed.
Courtney and Kelsey were presenting the conservative side in which they were arguing that the minute that baby is conceived, it is qualified as a human life and if you get an abortion, you are killing a human life and that no one has the right to murder someone. They also made the point that if a person is partaking in unprotected sex, that they should have to deal with the consequences since they made the decision to actually have sex, they should know the risks involved. They also made the point that women have extreme emotional issues from the aftermath of having an abortion. As we saw in "Sex and the City", Carrie is talking about how she still isn't 100% better since she got hers. Conservatives believe that no matter what, if you get an abortion you are killing a human being and it should most definately be illegal no matter what the circumstances.
Ari and I presented the liberal side discussing pro-choice. We brought up the fact that before 1973 when the state legislature made abortion legal, many women were having un-safe abortions. These ways unfortunately included hangers and other objects that they believed would kill their unborn child. This created many deaths for women before abortion was legalized. We also argued that if a woman is raped and had nothing to do with it, was not consenting to intercourse, she should have the right to abort it because technically, this was out of her hands and their was nothing she could have done. Also, if a young girl girl gets pregnant and can not support it, she should have the right to abort it just as well as if a sickly woman gets pregnant and knows it will harm her child, she should be able to do what she wants to. Bottom line, women should have the option of aborting a child if they choose. Overall, we argued that the government should not have control over a woman's body-only the woman should.
This is a huge controversy because truthfully, I am pro-choice. I believe that a woman should have the choice to do what she wants to do with her own body and not have the government decide for her. I personally do not think I could ever go through with getting an abortion because I am too emotional to go through with something as intense as that. But I do think that women all around the world should have the option if they think that would be the best choice for their specific life.

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