Wednesday, March 19, 2008

"Maybe this year will be better than the last"

One of my heritage artists was Counting Crows and one of my favorite songs by them is definately "A Long December". The singer is singing about how own of his good friends got in a car accident and how he would sit in her hospital room and make songs and sing to her while she got better. This relates to me because one of my good friends was in the hospital for almost two months at the end of last year and my friends and I would spend all of our time in her room hoping she would get better and wishing for the best just like he does in the song. It was difficult to see because at first, she was in really bad condition where she had to get two surgeries and it took awhile for her recovery. You never know what is going to happen next so I think this is a good song to relate to and live by.

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